Make the Spoon!

MaketheSpoon is a community education site connecting potential students to interesting, useful, exciting, and quirky courses.

Basket-weaving, bee-keeping, boat-making, robot-construction, long-bow making, mozarella cheese-making, carve your own headstone, or fashion your own birdbath.

The idea has grown out of our enthusiasm for ongoing education and training.

This site is currently (August 2021) in development. At the moment we you can search for interesting upcoming courses, but in the future, we hope that you will be inspired to create and list courses with us. What do you know? What are you good at? Offer a course, for one or one hundred learners and share your knowledge and skills! The course can be as short or long as you like and can take place where-ever is convenient: a community hall, the local park, your garage or wherever.

Shortly, we will provide information to make holding your course simple, such as a list of possible locations, how to obtain insurance, if required, how to publicise your course, and so on.

For more information, or to send suggestions, please email